Apr 26, 2023
Chief Ashe Announces Most Recent MPD Promotions
On April 25th, Chief Ashe announced the department’s most recent set of promotions. Chief Ashe appointed Lt. David Wells to the rank of Captain. Captain Wells was a 1990 graduate of Cape Henlopen High School, attended Delaware Technical and Community College, and was a 1995 graduate of the Delaware State Police Academy. Captain Wells began his career with the Milford Police Department in 1997. Throughout his career he has served with the Patrol Division, as well as having assignments with the Bicycle Unit, Motorcycle Unit, Accident Reconstruction, and the Special Operations Group. In 2016, Captain Wells was appointed to the department’s Executive Staff, where he was in charge of Operations. Captain Wells also was recognized by the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association with the Trilogy Award. Captain Wells and his wife Kelly, reside in Milford and have two children, Bryce and Brianna. Chief Ashe stated “Captain Wells is a leader that understands the principles of 21st Century Policing and I am confident he will continue to lead this organization as we enter into a new chapter.”
Chief Ashe also promoted Sgt. Robert Masten to the rank of Lieutenant. Lt. Masten is a 1994 graduate of Milford Senior High School, a 1999 graduate of Delaware Technical and Community College, and a 2000 graduate of Wilmington University, and will graduate in May with his Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Leadership at the University of Mississippi. Lt. Masten is a 2002 graduate of the Delaware State Police Academy and has served with MPD throughout his entire career. During his career he has been assigned to the Patrol Division, Public Information, Community Policing, and has most recently served as a School Resource Officer with the Milford School District. Lt. Masten also has had assignments with the Special Operations Group and Bicycle Unit. Lt. Masten also was recognized by the FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Association with the Trilogy Award. Lt. Masten resides in Milford with his wife Lise, and their children, Bailey and Molly. Chief Ashe stated during the announcement of Lt. Masten “Lt. Masten is the definition of Community Policing Officer. It is these same qualities that make him the leader that he is today as he truly understands the community he serves”.
Finally, Chief Ashe announced the promotion of Detective S/Cpl. Mikhail Stanton to the rank of Sergeant. Sgt. Stanton was raised in Dagsboro, Delaware and is a 2005 graduate of Sussex Central High School. Sgt. Stanton is a 2012 graduate of Delaware Technical and Community College, and has earned a Bachelor’s Degree from Wilmington University and a Master’s Degree in Homeland Security. Sgt. Stanton is a 2013 graduate of the Delaware State Police Academy and has served with MPD his entire career. During his career Sgt. Stanton has served with the Patrol Division, as a School Resource Officer, Special Operations Group, Motorcycle Unit, and the Criminal Division. Sgt. Stanton resides in Millsboro, Delaware with his Fiance, Priscilla and their three children, Mikhail Jr., Khalea, and Khalani. Chief Ashe when speaking about the promotion of Sgt. Stanton said “Sgt. Stanton is a rising star within this organization and I am honored to promote him into his first supervisory role. I know through his leadership he will continue to spread his knowledge and experience for the betterment of this organization.”